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Board » Technical Support » qtVlm thread

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The closest POI can be "behind", no? Or maybe you have made a U-Turn and finally the closest one is in front of you but it is a past one...

I can think of let's say an "autopilot" where you configure at which time you want qtVlm to go toward which POI (like in VLM mode but locally to the machine). That way we know that POIs belonging to the route and between the boat and the target POI can be safely removed. That autopilot could eventually be filled automatically by the route, like in VLM mode.

This needs a bit mode thoughts, so it won't be in the 5.4.0 (due to be delivered today, btw).

--- Dernière modification par maitai le 2016-10-12 15:45:26 ---

--- Dernière modification par maitai le 2016-10-12 15:46:04 ---
Viva Philippe and Huib.

99,9 % of my SOL routings are made on “transit”, i.e., with the boat moving and the GPS connected.
In those conditions and with a fast moving boat it’s almost certain for a long routing that you will get “past” calculated waypoints.

Time and patience lost in cleaning those useless waypoints and, normally prone to give bad results.
Hence my suggestion for you, Philippe.

Thank you.
Sail Fair.
Last I used QtVLM, there was an option for your boat to be "detached" from the route when you convert a routing to a route. This way the route stays the same, exactly as intended when you did the routing, no matter where you move next. That might solve your problem, João.
Viva Huib,

Thank you.

Ummm, let me have a look on that option.

Sail Fair.
Viva all.

Just got working the new qT version, the 5.4.2.

Two observations:

1 - The GPS status doesn’t work or, if it is working doesn’t show - pls. see attached “GPS Status, blank.jpg” file;

2 - If you have the GPS “on” and exit qT, it crashes if you don’t disconnect it previously - pls. see attached “qT Crash Stop.jpg” file.
Sail Fair.
I cannot reproduce these problems.

The gps status is working here

I don't have a crash if I exit with gps on, can you explain exactly what sequence you follow?

Still I found another issue, so I will post a patched version.
Viva Philippe.

Thank you for your reply.

In fact when I look to the GPS status it only shows an empty window.
In previous versions we had a graphic with green vertical bars. Now, I don’t have it.

In relation to the “exit crash” is simple.
I make a route with the GPS “on”.
I finalize it and, if I shut down first the GPS and exit qT after, qT doesn’t crash.
If I have the GPS still connected, qT crashes on exit, giving the message I’ve posted before.

A Big Hug.
Sail Fair.
Concerning gps status, are you sure the server is still sending these NMEA sentences?
I have committed a patched version, for windows only so far.
Can you tell me if you still have the problem?
Should this not been fixed yet: apparently there's a display error on mac. See the first post here for details and a screenshot.

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