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Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals » Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Veuillez m'excuser de m'exprimer en français, mais je ne maîtrise pas parfaitement l'anglais.

Nous envisageons de mettre en place un chalenge dans les quatre interfaces de jeu suivantes :SailOnLine, Live Skiper, Virtual Loup de Mer et Virtual Regatta.
Chaque équipe sera composée d'un bateau dans chaque interface de jeu.

Le but n'est pas de mettre en concurrence ces diverses interfaces de jeu, mais de rapprocher les talents des divers marins virtuels en constituant des équipes de quatre bateaux avec un bateau sur chaque interface de jeu; quelle que soient la nationalité du skipper.

Que pensez vous de cette idée ?
SOL a t'il l'intention de mettre en ligne ce genre de course ?

Je vous remercie de l'attention que vous avez apporté à ce post.
Serge alias MJedi

Personnellement, je me verrai bien naviguer avec un marin Néo-Zélandais ou Australien qui tiendrai la barre de mon bateau pendant que je dors et vice versa.


Hello to you all,
I apologize for expressing myself in French, but I do not control perfect English.

We plan to implement a chalenge in four games following interfaces: SailOnLine, Skiper Live, Virtual Loup de Mer and Virtual Regatta.
Each team will consist of a boat in each gaming interface

The goal is not to compete these various game interfaces, but to bring the talents of various marine virtual teams comprising of four ships with a boat on each game interface, regardless of the nationality of the skipper.

What do you think of this idea?
SOL you intend to post this kind of race?

Thank you for the attention you have given to this post.
thank you
Serge alias MJedi

Personally, I see many a sailor sail with New Zealand or Australia which will keep the bar from my boat while I sleep and vice versa.
As I wrote in reply to your email:

Salut MjediObiWan

Malheureusement, c'est pas possible a faire une course "non-stop" autour du monde en SOL. Les cartes/meteo sont trop grands pour downloading par des SOLers avec moins de bandwidth.

Donc, nous avons besoin de faire des courses plus court... quand nous faisons SOL World Race etc ils sont des courses de plusieurs "legs".

Desolee, mais d'octobre au 2013 nous allons faire d'autres "ocean races" au SOL :-)


Hi MjediObiWan

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make a non-stop round-the-world race on SOL. The charts/weather systems are too big to be downoaded by many with less bandwidth.

So, we need to make shorter courses - when we run the SOL World Race etc, they are races with several legs.

So sorry, but from October until 2013 we will be running other ocean races on SOL.


--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2012-10-08 20:58:37 ---
Merci RC
C'est dommage, mais je comprends bien la problématique pour SOL.
Donc nous allons organiser notre challenge sans SOL.
A bientot et bon vent à tous les Soler's

thank you RC
It's a shame, but I understand the problem for SOL.
So we will organize our challenge without SOL.
See you soon and good luck to all Soler's
Would the following be possible to facilitate a round the world non stop race:
1. Moving wx extents based on where the boats are, ie keeping up with the leaders. This could be say move window 2000nm per week. This would allow a window that would be typical of an ocean race such as europe to cape town.
2. Reduce server load by limiting entrants eg to SYC only. Should have a limited starting time, so registration closes only a few days after race start.
3. Delete boats that do not start or do not keep up, say within 5000nm.
No, unfortunately, with the current structure of the SOL server(s) your ideas, all of which are excellent, are not do-able.


I am a believer in "never say never" and who knows what can evolve.

It would definitely be fun to be able to do a non-stop race!!

Thanks Scotsman
Perhaps for the "Vendée Globe" which departs given in 2016.
Il y a également le site "océan virtuel" qui permet de naviguer autour du monde : gratuit pour le Vendée, payant en challenge le reste de l'année (13,5€).

You've got the web site "ocean virtuel" in wich you can sail around the world : free for the Vendée. In challenge the rest of the year, you'll have to pay (13,5€)
Je rappelle que le but de mon post n'est pas de faire la promotion de tel site par rapport aux autres.
Il s'agit de rapprocher les talents de divers marins virtuels naviguant sur divers sites internet.
Personnellement, je navigue régulièrement sur trois interfaces de jeu.
Je ferai peut être mieux de me concentrer sur une seule interface pour devenir performant, mais j'ai des amis sur toutes ces interfaces de jeu et j'éprouve du plaisir à naviguer et échanger avec eux.


I recall that the purpose of my post is not to promote such site in relation to others.
It is to bring the talents of various marine virtual browsing various websites.
Personally, I sail regularly on three interfaces Thurs
I'll be better to focus on a single interface to become successful, but I have friends on all these game interfaces and I have the pleasure to navigate and interact with them.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2012-10-23 07:48:11 ---
How much of an issue is user download aspect? Surely that could be based on the choice of the user. We could warn that a particular race requires large download.

Are we able to map the whole race in one?

Another option might be to have the whole race in one window, but split the wx. Or we could use a coarser wx grid.

As we are not so limited with server space, I think it would be great to run these longer races.
Scotsman thank you for your post.

We found in these big races around the globe that were created contacts between various virtual sailors who sailed in sectors nearby.

Some of us have created blogs or forums and this kind of race helped make connections between these blogs and forums.

While differences of culture and language are not conducive to dialogue, but the passion for the sea is stronger.

I is part of a group of sailors called virtual SAL-Team have some talent on SailOnLine, I think in particular Christophe sailing on FR_neverstop_SAL.
My boat is FR_MJedi_SAL, and I do what I can to do well in the races organized by SOL (I've never set foot on a sailboat).

Fair winds to all Soler's soon on our virtual oceans
Serge alias MJedi


Merci Scotsman pour ton post.

Nous avons constaté lors de ces grandes courses autour du globe que se créaient des contacts entre divers marins virtuels qui naviguaient dans des secteurs proches.

Certains d'entre nous ont créé des blogs ou des forums et ce genre de course a permis de faire des rapprochements entre ces blogs ou forums.

Certes les différences de culture et de langue ne favorisent pas ce dialogue, mais la passion de la mer est plus forte.

Je fait parti d'un groupe de marins virtuels qui s'appelle SAL-Team dont certains ont du talent sur SailOnLine, je pense en particulier à Christophe qui navigue sur FR_neverstop_SAL.
Mon bateau est FR_MJedi_SAL, et je fais ce que je peux pour bien figurer dans les courses organisées par SOL (je n'ai jamais mis les pieds sur un voilier).

Bon vent à tous les Soler's et à bientôt sur nos océans virtuels
Serge alias MJedi

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WX Updates:
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  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
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  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
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