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Profile for SaltheartFoamfollower

Name SaltheartFoamfollower
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  • Re: Poetry Saved for Posterity
    Board » General Discussion
    On dicing for the minor places with Mouthansar and Dingo...

    Well, tha’ didnae work
    Guess I must be a burk
    Ta think that a shift
    Woulda gave me a lift
    So I’ll have ta continue ta lurk

    If we battle too much
    A dog from the bush
    I think it’s a Dingo,
    Yes indeedy, by jingo
    Will pass us, ‘like’ (modern parlance) whoosh

    For avoidance of doubt
    You must click on the route
    Then the waypoints you’ll see
    And the red ones will be
    Stuck to the coust

    Also sprach Mouthasthustra
    Aha, yes, abracadabra!
    “You make me hot, you make me sigh,
    You make me laugh, you make me cry,”
    Thus Steve Miller on the matter

    --- Last Edited by SaltheartFoamfollower at 2018-03-05 15:30:24 ---
  • Chicago Mackinac
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Old race, new record
    http://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/2017/10/17/new-chicago-mackinac-course-record/ ... SRC, we'll have to see can we better that! We have the race (#55) and we have the boat! Perhaps as a Time Race using NAM-AWIP.
  • Re: qtVlm thread
    Board » Technical Support
    That's great stuff, maitai.
    Does it deal wit Kipper's comments (below) as well?
    If so, I think the time has come to upgrade once again (from 5.3-5 in my case).

    1. Closing an NMEA TCP connection server port (closing the port or shutting down the programme providing the NMEA feed) while GPS is connected, causes Qt to crash.
    2.If NMEA sentence $GPWPL is received for a waypoint that already exists, that waypoint jumps to the top left corner until a screen refresh is invoced. Each time the following sentance is received, the waypoint "Cadiz Offshore" will jump to the top left of the screen from it's proper location $GPWPL,3636.000,N,00629.000,W,Cadiz Offshore*0D
    3. The Display Raw NMEA Data window, when activated, will obscure some of the other popup windows, and lock up Qt completely.To reproduce do the following.
    i. Enable Display Raw NMEA data and start GPS
    ii. Click on boat icon to bring up Position, Speed and Heading etc
    iii. Click on Position, if not already displayed.
    iv. Click on ? Qt will now be locked. The is now no way to move the NMEA Raw Data window and get to the popup behind it.
  • Re: qtVlm thread
    Board » Technical Support
    Qt switches automatically between gshhs tiles as you zoom-in and -out. There are 4 levels:
    Level Filesize
    f 166.8MB
    h 32.8MB
    i 10.6MB
    l 5.0MB
    SOL does this too, but does not have the highest level f tiles.
    Also for ocean races, the SOL zoom-in only goes to level i.
    There is an easy manual fix.
    Proceed as follows.
    Create three additional directories in the maps directory of your Qt application: call them say:
    gshhs-high, and
    Now go to Qt's own gshhs directory and Ctrl C:
    poly-h-1.dat, and
    Ctrl V them into your new gshhs-orig directory.
    Now go to your new gshh-high directory, paste them in again, delete poly-c-1.dat, make a copy of poly-h-1.dat which will be renamed poly-h-1-copy.dat by your system and rename that copy poly-c-1.dat. You've now replaced the original poly-c-1.dat with a poly-h-1.dat file IN DISGUISE.
    Next go to your new gshh-inter directory and place copies of the original poly-i-1.dat and poly-l-1.dat files in it. Make two copies of poly-i-1.dat and rename them poly-c-1.dat and poly-h-1.dat. You've now replaced the original poly-c-1.dat and poly-h-1.dat with a poly-i-1.dat file BOTH IN DISGUISE.
    Once this is done, open Qt in the usual way and zoom-out.
    Go to your Qt maps directory and if you are racing an ocean race, pick up the fake poly-c-1.dat and poly-h-1.dat files in the new gshhs-inter directory and Ctrl C them.
    Go to Qt's original gshhs directory and Ctrl V them and select Replace.
    Go to Qt and zoom-in. Your zoomed-in map stays at the i level, matching SOL.
    If it is a coastal race, proceed in the same way, but picking up the dummy files in gshhs-high instead.
    As long as Qt doesn't crash (as it will do every time you loose the NMEA connection) or you don't close it, you can now route away to your heart's content.
    However, if you have to restart Qt and there are dummy gshhs tiles in its original gshhs directory it will not work. So... go to gshhs-orig and pick up the correct original files there and paste and replace them back into Qt's gshhs directory.


Next Race: 00d 00h 00m

Current Races:

Auckland to Noumea 2025

The ARCH competition is transitioning now from the Arabian Sea to the Pacific Ocean, featuring a 1000 nm route from Auckland to Nouméa. Organized by the Royal Akarana Yacht Club, the race last occurred in 2018 and was set to resume on May 25, 2024, after a lengthy hiatus. However, due to political unrest in New Caledonia, the event has been cancelled. Fortunately, those situations do not impact our virtual race, so prepare your Open 60 for another exciting adventure.
Race #1888
INFO from brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Race starts: Feb 10th 17:00 Registration Open!
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Tyger Memorial Race 2025

Dear Robert Neilson, gone too soon, but, a volunteer crew having brought his Tyger home in our first Ocean Race of 2025, here is a further opportunity to remember him and his great contribution to Sailonline, by blasting around an 80nm triangle on his home waters of Port St Philip Bay in spanking-new-to-SOL very-Robert very-macho, grind-greedy Cookson 50s. Tell tales of his derring-do in Chat or add something for posterity to his Tyger IN MEMORIAM Forum page. Sail on, SOLer.
Race #1891
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Feb 08th 06:00 Registration Open!
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Sinbad by Balloon 2025 - Dondra to Toamasina

Above you see a stratospheric balloon, that if only we had gribs at that altitude would get blasted along quite rapidly and predictably. Alas we just have our SOL balloon that sails rather lower to the sea and that we have crossed the Atlantic in, west to east, last year for the first time in the southern hemisphere. So much fun was had by all, that this year we will attempt the Indian Ocean, but in four legs. Another great piece of fiction, the voyages of Sinbad By Balloon not magic carpet, although you may need a bit of magic to make any progress at times. Pack your wicker basket full for your first leg of at least 2300nm from Sri Lanka to Madagascar; it’s not a picnic hamper, you could be in the air for longer than you hoped!
Race #1883
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC - SBB
Race starts: Feb 05th 11:00 Registration Closed
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Barbados to Tristan da Cunha 2025

Sailonline is proud to present to our virtual sailors, an all new series RWW 2025 (Round our Water World). Sailing from remote island to remote island with forever only a faintly curving line between sea and sky on the horizon. "Dry land is not a myth". The series ranking uses best 7 from 8 races for scoring, and this first race, from Barbados to Tristan da Cunha, a 4000nm leg into the Southern Atlantic, will be sailed in ex-Volvo OD65s (version 3). The race is also part of the OCCH 2025, ranking best 10 from 12 races.
Race #1889
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ1 - RWW - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Feb 03rd 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

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SYC Ranking

  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Patrick70119
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Satori
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member KaSToR
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund

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