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Profile for Husse

Name Husse
Email Address Husse46@hotmail.com
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  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    Good Points and tought´s everybody
    I have second thought´s about my idee with different classes, all our input and thoght´s have made it clearer,at least for me, about the advantage with just one group as it is today.
    But i´m looking for a way to attract new sailors to SOL, it much more fun if we are more sailors.
    Is it possible to have a SOL-router, that everybody can se, with simple instructions how to use it ??
    I Think, and know, that a lot of people loose the interest in SOL when they see the same boat´s rushing along to the endpoint.
    I understand the effort that people put in too understand routers and use them to make the best way to the endpoint, they have all my respect.
    But i remember when my friend Mega30, introduced me to this game, i have sailed before, so i understod how it works.
    But i´ve never used a router in my Life, i´ve looked at the wind, sail, see & the feeling of the boat.
    I just think SOL should have an easy and understandable free router, soo that all, neewbies and oldies, could race on the same terms.
    And if SOL could get more people interested in sailing, virtual or alive, it should be great.
    I just have too thank you all for putting thoughts and effort into this thread, i hope it keeps on so we can develope SOL further
  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    Even though this topic has been discussed in the past, so I think that this time has come up so many good thoughts in this topic! I hope some of the ideas become reality, especially some sort of tutorial or basic education. I have learned a lot from this discussion from all doubt many people. I have sailed dinghies and small sailboats in our archipelago, so if I'm going to sail on the oceans so maybe I need to develop myself and maybe learn sailing with software soon ...!
  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    We all can make SOL better, if we put some effort into it.
  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    I think you all have great idea's and good points.
    But i think you all are missing my point, i maybe wasn't clear enough about that.
    I want to attract new SOL'ers, or at least don't loose more SOL'ers.
    I don't have anything against routers, excel-sheets or whatever anyone uses to find the best way to the endpoint.
    The point is that we are getting fewer and fewer.
    We need to do some Changes to attract new SOL'ers, everything has to change sometime to develope.
    I think new SOL'ers quit when they don't have a chance against the "elite" who all probably uses routers.
    Maybe it should be in the manual, as Dingo so wisely says, nobody has explained how to use a router. Maybe even SOL should have their own downloadable router to SOL'ers to use, with a manual to it.
    This problem isn't new to SOL, during 2012 people stoped using SOL, as it is probably today.

    starting to get over it
    It's not about router or no router, it's about making SOL attractive and attracting new members who like too sail in the virtual live as well as i irl.
    edited to make a link out of a url to prevent column overlap

    --- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2014-12-22 22:30:00 ---
  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    Thanks for your thought's, but we don't have to make it so difficult.
    We can do it as we allways done it, race to the finnish.
    But we can have two classes, R for Routers, L for Livesailors.
    The rules for the definitions between L &R can be discussed, the final decision should bee taken by the board.
    We can race to the finnish together but with the differnce that R & L are presented in two different podiums, one in R & one in L.
    We don't need too make it so difficult, we all like to sail and race.
  • Re: Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    Great idea Husse! Who can participate with a nice technical solution? Because this is an excellent idea.
  • Sailors with routers
    Board » General Discussion
    Hello all SOL sailors
    All over the World we love to race the virtual races that SOL creates all over the World.
    I´ve been doing this for a couple of years, and i just love to race against other people in other places over our globe, i think we all do.
    I just Think that it is little boring, that its allways the same people that wins the races.
    Routers are good and nice to have, but there are a lot of other sailors that don't want to use them for a lots of reasons.
    Is it not time to do the same in SOL as in Formula 1, have different classes, but race the same race ???
    I'm thinking of two classes, one with routers, and one without.
    We could all race the same race, but with a flag/marker Before our boat, like R, for racing with router, or L, for racing live without racer, that could be simple to do when you register to a race.
    We could then race in the same race but in two different classes, but on the same track, so as speach.
    At the finnish there is two classes, R & L
    I Think that we all engaged in SOL are mature enough to register in the right class, we all should see if somebody goes into a L-classed race with a router, that should be R-classed.
    Thats up to the person who is the skipper, i'm just sure of that everybody who*s sailing SOL should register to the right class, it's just more fun to race against people with the same chanses.
    As it is today, we who likes to race without routers, don't have the same tools to do the race at an equal level with those who have routers.
  • Re: Christmas to Christmas Race 2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Races
    Husse would like the name Xwolf / Thanks!

    Dear Husse - I am sorry but I don't see you in the SYC membership list and you need to be SYC member to change your name for this race (it is written in the first post).

    --- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2013-11-26 19:49:12 ---
  • Re: A3 Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne
    Board » Practice Racing
    Great initative RainbowChaser :-)
    Superb course layout in memory of AGage :-), i miss him :-(
    Sail well everybody
  • Re: Aaron James Gage - 1971-2012
    Board » In memoriam
    In memory for AGage & his family
    Sorry Jen, for you & your daughters loss. I never knew him as a person, but i am confident that if he was as good father as he was as a sailor he was the best
    When he was sailing SOL i allways kept a´n eye for the course AGage was taking, AGage was the first name that i learned in SOL, he was the spirit for me & for lots of other sailors.
    I´m very sad for you & our loss.
    He is an outstanding sailor & i will allways have him in my mind.
    Take care of you Jen


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PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2024

Welcome back to Auckland for the 2024 edition of our annual race with the New Zealand Multihull Yacht Club. This 118nm race from Auckland to Russell is a true test, offering everything from exhilarating spinnaker runs to light breezes before sunrise. With our swift 60ft Trimarans, we aim to keep pace with the real-life multihull competitors. The journey promises both excitement and challenge, and upon reaching the finish in scenic Russell, the traditional bacon butties and rum shall be awaiting you!
Race #1839
INFO by brainaid.de
60ft Trimaran PARTICULARS
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
RACE CLOSE: Thursday,
October 31 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Oct 24th 21:00 Registration Open!
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Banjul to Freetown 2024

After 14 years, we will race for the second time on the 400nm route from Banjul to Freetown along the west coast of Africa. Last time, 424 boats started in this race in SOL. How many crews in their Fareast 28Rs will show up at the start of this edition of the race? We will see.
Race #1863
INFO from brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Tuesday,
October 29 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Oct 21st 17:00 Registration Open!
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Comoros Cruise TIMED Race 2024

It’s time to sail our Lagoon 55 luxury catamarans approximately 232 nm in a figure 8 around the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean. We start in the capital Moroni, round the islands of Mohéli and Nzwani and then return to Moroni. This is a TIMED race, so you may RE-REGISTER HERE to try again after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to test your skill and decision making after the race opens.
Race #1861
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Saturday,
26 October at 23:00 UTC
Race starts: Oct 13th 12:00 Registration Open!
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Ushuaia to Nassau 2024

We extend a warm welcome to the 5th leg of the RTW challenge, a thrilling journey from Ushuaia in the Land of Fire to Nassau in the Caribbean. It also marks the October edition of our esteemed Ocean Race Championship. Covering a distance of 6300 nautical miles, this leg is anticipated to span approximately 29 days. Join us for an unforgettable adventure on the high seas, where skill, strategy, and camaraderie converge in the pursuit of victory. We look forward to seeing you at the starting line! Fair winds and following seas.
Race# 1842
INFO from brainaid.de
WX updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Oct 07th 11:00 Registration Closed
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