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Hi there,
There is an option for that in general config, routes tab (Beep when routing/simp/etc)
Satori is a relative newcomer to SOL and I am documenting what I am learning from generous SOLers. Attached are my introductory instruction notes with screen prints in PDF format for “Editing Route With New Weather Report and Uploading Resulting New Delayed Commands to SOL”.

Hi, Satori, looks interesting. Perhaps simplify the list of DCs by removing unnecessary duplicates? There must be a tool to do that. Also, constantly changing cc's when a single twa will do the trick will be slower, since you take a performance hit every time you change direction. And vice versa, if qtVlm is giving you a straight line and you change twa's to match, it'll be slower. You need to smartly switch between cc's and twa's as the situation dictates. It's the same IRL -- sometimes you go to a waypoint, other times you sail by-the-lee.

Also, on your qtVlm screens, it looks like you're updating a route generated from a previous routing. But with a new weather grid, you may need to rethink your strategy and follow a whole new path. Re-optimizing an old routing is not going to get you what you want, I don't think -- you should start from scratch on each weather update. I suggest setting up a pathway and creating routings from that, especially on long ocean passages. As the race progresses, you can remove early pathway points and use the remaining pathway, starting from the boat.

You'll also find special situations when the race is longer than the grid forecast. Will be useful to have an update on tactics after the upcoming Osaka race.

If you use the new Sailonline iOS client for iPhones/iPads, there are some additional helpful hints. Happy to collaborate.
Also, there's a nice even more introductory intro to qtVlm here: http://solfans.org/blog/routing/qtvlm/introduction-to-qtvlm/
Super writeup Satori. Pivot points figured out from the videos.

--- Last Edited by mfa_wsg at 2020-09-01 13:05:30 ---
Two things. Firstly, I have noticed that Simpilfy/Optimise runs orders of magnitudes fast if the qtVlm window is minimised (on Windows 10), and no graphics updates are happening. Can I make a suggestion that a configuration switch is added to disable graphics updates when Simplification/Optimisation is in progress. I think it will make a huge improvement in performance.

Secondly, I'm running a Dell Displaylink, and qtVlm does not seem to be able to recognise that I have a graphics card loaded. Consequently, all rendering is done in software. Java recognises and uses the card, by qt (C) does not. Any ideas?
Two questions:

1. How do you control level of simplification and optimization? (I've been just stopping them mid process) but are there subtleties and knobs to tune?

2. can you get wind speeds to show up on the arrow points? I found an old photo in Bimmer's thread that had the speeds showing.

TX. in advance as usual!!
In Grib->Grib configuration (or the windsock in the toolbar, or ctrl-G), there's a Label configuration item to show a number.

I don't know that you can control the level of simplification and optimization, other than Optimum/Maximum (the names of my next 2 dogs, and I'll never know which is which).
If you read my Carib Rum Run 2020 Report you will see how I am making early use of Qt. Can I encourage a discussion lead by those who know better on Qt Settings and how they impact results - Boat Settings/Tacks & Gybes, Route Settings-Best Performance vs Best Accuracy, Edit Route - Wind/Polar Corrections.
Tx Vibex for your advice on WX Route updates vs creating a new Route. Unfortunately I did not see it until after the Carib Rum Run Race. You will see from my Report on that Race that I found out for myself during the Race. I might have done better than 9th if I had seen your advice earlier!!

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The ARCH competition is transitioning now from the Arabian Sea to the Pacific Ocean, featuring a 1000 nm route from Auckland to Nouméa. Organized by the Royal Akarana Yacht Club, the race last occurred in 2018 and was set to resume on May 25, 2024, after a lengthy hiatus. However, due to political unrest in New Caledonia, the event has been cancelled. Fortunately, those situations do not impact our virtual race, so prepare your Open 60 for another exciting adventure.
Race #1888
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Tyger Memorial Race 2025

Dear Robert Neilson, gone too soon, but, a volunteer crew having brought his Tyger home in our first Ocean Race of 2025, here is a further opportunity to remember him and his great contribution to Sailonline, by blasting around an 80nm triangle on his home waters of Port St Philip Bay in spanking-new-to-SOL very-Robert very-macho, grind-greedy Cookson 50s. Tell tales of his derring-do in Chat or add something for posterity to his Tyger IN MEMORIAM Forum page. Sail on, SOLer.
Race #1891
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Feb 08th 06:00 Registration Open!
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Sinbad by Balloon 2025 - Dondra to Toamasina

Above you see a stratospheric balloon, that if only we had gribs at that altitude would get blasted along quite rapidly and predictably. Alas we just have our SOL balloon that sails rather lower to the sea and that we have crossed the Atlantic in, west to east, last year for the first time in the southern hemisphere. So much fun was had by all, that this year we will attempt the Indian Ocean, but in four legs. Another great piece of fiction, the voyages of Sinbad By Balloon not magic carpet, although you may need a bit of magic to make any progress at times. Pack your wicker basket full for your first leg of at least 2300nm from Sri Lanka to Madagascar; it’s not a picnic hamper, you could be in the air for longer than you hoped!
Race #1883
INFOby brainaid.de
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Ranking: SYC - SBB
Race starts: Feb 05th 11:00 Registration Closed
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Barbados to Tristan da Cunha 2025

Sailonline is proud to present to our virtual sailors, an all new series RWW 2025 (Round our Water World). Sailing from remote island to remote island with forever only a faintly curving line between sea and sky on the horizon. "Dry land is not a myth". The series ranking uses best 7 from 8 races for scoring, and this first race, from Barbados to Tristan da Cunha, a 4000nm leg into the Southern Atlantic, will be sailed in ex-Volvo OD65s (version 3). The race is also part of the OCCH 2025, ranking best 10 from 12 races.
Race #1889
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ1 - RWW - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Feb 03rd 11:00 Registration Closed
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  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Patrick70119
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Satori
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member KaSToR
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund

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